Friday, October 11, 2019

A Midterm Check in—All I Got Are Questions:

When preparing to write our essay, I took a gander at the notes I’ve taken in our class so far. The following are questions, in no particular orderthat popped up from our class discussions. Some of them were written in the margins of my notebook. Others I found myself asking as I reviewed my notesIf you got any answers, let me know. 
  1. 1. What would it take to change a social norm according to a constructivist?  
  1. 2. How can a person successfully apply an “international norm” domestically? Is there a way you can frame it to the public so that the intent of a policy will still be carried out even if domestic norms differ? Or do you have to change those norms completely? 
  1. 3. Is there an international relations theory where the base idea isn’t that humans naturally suck? 
  1. 4. What would it take to stage a revolution in PTJ’s class and destroy the norms we have established? 
  1. What would be the reaction if someone went against a norm? --> what would it take for everyone to go along with it? Ex: If a student decided that they were going to teach the class that day --> fight for dominance with PTJ 
  1. 5. Framing is important. Using that idea could you convince a subscriber to any of the theories to do what you want? Ex: get both a realist and liberal on board with combating climate change based on the frame? 
  1. 6. Why are the people in this program so smart? I need to raise my own personal standard 
  1. 7. How can a peer facilitate a good conversation/discussion? For instance, stop letting conversations go in circles/ having everyone listen to each other. 
  1. 8. Why are humans so obsessed with having a label for everything? Does it prevent people from seeing the numerous overlaps and connections? --> Are realism and liberalism mutually exclusive?  
  1. 9. Can you apply the theories on both a macro and mico level? International v domestic? Can you be a realist on one issue and a liberal on another? Or is that just constructivism, going by the norms even if they are dissimilar 
  1. 10. Will I survive this class?  

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