Sunday, September 22, 2019

Reflection 4: Self Care & Success

Studying Machiavelli’s ‘The Prince’ in class has been an enlightening experience shining light on the impacts of realism on modern day perceptions of Machiavelli’s work. While exploring Machiavelli, I have found bits and pieces of Machiavelli’s theories to be quite thought provoking and being able to fit the mode of specific situations in society, and politics. However,  the mold of a ruler does not present itself relevant or feasible in every case, which was a great point consistently relayed during our class discussion. I also enjoyed how many people made references to our current political situation, and how our current president does not even seem to meet the characteristics Machiavelli points out that a ruler should at least, seem to possess.Ultimately, as a whole, many people in class have come to the consensus that Machiavelli’s theory was more practical for his time, and not very moldable for an ever changing society, which is what we have today. 

Outside of World Politics, I am facing the complex problems of Math 125. Never did I imagine that the math class I am taking would be as hard as it is presenting itself this semester. Being someone who has not taken a math class in 4 years, I am finding this reality to be quite challenging because of the professor’s expectations for students to have a solid grounding in most high school math concepts. I find it  even more interesting how each class pans out because it is typically filled with students who are unsure of what they should be doing with the complex word problems he presents. As a result, this has caused many emotional reactions to material being presented because most people in the class feel that their grade is on the line. 

Sad enough to say, two days ago, I found out that I was hit with the freshman plague. I noticed that I have been feeling quite wonky, and not myself the past few days. This quickly turned into sniffles, migraines, and body aches, which point to an unfortunate diagnosis-the common cold ( hopefully nothing worse). I have been trying my best to stay hydrated, stay on top of my vitamins and supplements, and take my cough medicine. Hopefully within this upcoming week, with proper self-care techniques, I will be feeling much better, and ready to take on the world in world politics again.

Cheers to good health, productivity and self care!


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