Sunday, September 29, 2019

Week 5 Reflection -- 学汉语学得很难

Not to complain, but after taking the language from 7th to 10th grade, taking Intermediate 1 Chinese is quite the challenge. I am remembering some elements of grammar or some vocab that I learned back in the day, but speaking and getting it right is really difficult after not really interacting with the language for 2 years. I know I can't drop the class since its 5 credits, so I'm pushing through (plus I don't mind a challenge). Despite my resolve to be successful in the class, I won't get much further once the "review" period ends next week unless I commit myself to speaking on a regular basis and to getting my book work done ahead of its due date so I can begin to review for quizzes.

Another thing keeping me focused when it comes to this class is my forward thinking. I know that eventually, learning the language will come in handy for me and it could very well help me in my career. Obviously, the long-term benefits will pay off, but for now I'm going to probably be studying until my thoughts and dreams are in Chinese, too...

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