Saturday, September 7, 2019

Reflection Week #2

I am a big people person. Community is a value I hold near and dear to my heart, and I really thrive when I know I have a strong support system behind me. Coming to college has unbalanced me in that way because I've had to figure out how to re-build that support system in a completely new environment.

This past weekend I went home. There, I was able to take a step back and breathe for (it felt like) the first time since moving in. While I was able to be in a more comfortable and calm place at home, I felt like I was missing key moments to connect with others here at American at the same time. While at home, I thought a lot about my mental health and the relationships I was making/wanted to make here at AU. I'm the kind of person who doesn't prioritize her health, any part of it, over work or other "responsibilities." Struggling with anxiety, I can't really relax until I feel like everything I "need" to do is done. Throughout high school, I didn't sleep nearly as much as I needed to or take time for myself to actually check in with myself. At home this past weekend, I realized that without my community to help keep me sane, some of those patterns were starting to resurface. I decided to try some lifestyle changes, like sleeping at least 8 hours a night by going to bed by 12:30 AM and waking up around 8:30 AM every day (except maybe some weekends). My family was very supportive and having that community behind me helps me know that I can do it.

After I decided to make some lifestyle changes to improve my mental health, I thought more about the relationships I'm making/want to make in college. I realized that I want to widen my friend group and have actively been trying to do just that. I'm making more of an effort to get out of my dorm room and socialize with all the lovely people on our floor, and I'm trying to join other communities within AU to expose myself to different people. I auditioned for a play and, while I'm not sure I got a part, I took the step to getting my face and name known to that group of people. I'm also looking into going ATV, maybe an a capella group, and the South Asian Student Association (fun fact, I'm a quarter Indian). Even diplomatic risk is helping me make those connections with the people on my team and get to know them better. It's a great team building exercise because I also have more to talk to other people about in the Global Scholars Program.

Over the last two days, a few of my friends from high school visited me here on campus because they're still in the area. It was so nice to catch up with them and see them again after a couple months, but it also helped me realize that I want to create relationships like those here on campus. I know it's going to be a daunting task, but I can't wait to build a new community here at AU!

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